#literary recognition

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Los Angeles Times
1 month ago

6 essential collections to celebrate short story month

Short stories face challenges in visibility and attention span, requiring proactive search by readers. [ more ]
1 month ago

Poet Ali Cobby Eckermann wins book of the year at the NSW premier's literary awards

Ali Cobby Eckermann's verse novel She is the Earth won book of the year at NSW Premier's literary awards. [ more ]
2 months ago

The crime writer crime writers read': Garry Disher, author of 60 books and finding fame in his 70s

Garry Disher is a well-respected crime novelist who gained recognition after three decades of hard work.
Despite being influential and respected within the crime-writing community, Disher was not widely recognized until recently. [ more ]
The New York Review of Books
3 months ago

Ducks in the Drawing Room | Je Wilson

Barbara Comyns faced challenges getting her novel 'Waiting' published due to concerns about its marketability.
Despite ups and downs in popularity, Comyns' unique writing style and literary contributions continue to be rediscovered and appreciated. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago

6 essential collections to celebrate short story month

Short stories face challenges in visibility and attention span, requiring proactive search by readers. [ more ]
1 month ago

Poet Ali Cobby Eckermann wins book of the year at the NSW premier's literary awards

Ali Cobby Eckermann's verse novel She is the Earth won book of the year at NSW Premier's literary awards. [ more ]
2 months ago

The crime writer crime writers read': Garry Disher, author of 60 books and finding fame in his 70s

Garry Disher is a well-respected crime novelist who gained recognition after three decades of hard work.
Despite being influential and respected within the crime-writing community, Disher was not widely recognized until recently. [ more ]
The New York Review of Books
3 months ago

Ducks in the Drawing Room | Je Wilson

Barbara Comyns faced challenges getting her novel 'Waiting' published due to concerns about its marketability.
Despite ups and downs in popularity, Comyns' unique writing style and literary contributions continue to be rediscovered and appreciated. [ more ]
#historical fiction
7 months ago

Why Historical Fiction Is Going Mainstream

Historical fiction is experiencing a resurgence in popularity and critical recognition.
Many acclaimed contemporary authors are releasing historical fiction novels.
Film and TV adaptations of historical fiction are also gaining traction. [ more ]
7 months ago

Why Historical Fiction Is Going Mainstream

Historical fiction is experiencing a resurgence in popularity and critical recognition.
Many acclaimed contemporary authors are releasing historical fiction novels.
Film and TV adaptations of historical fiction are also gaining traction. [ more ]
7 months ago

Why Historical Fiction Is Going Mainstream

Historical fiction is experiencing a resurgence in popularity and critical recognition.
Many acclaimed contemporary authors are releasing historical fiction novels.
Film and TV adaptations of historical fiction are also gaining traction. [ more ]
7 months ago

Why Historical Fiction Is Going Mainstream

Historical fiction is experiencing a resurgence in popularity and critical recognition.
Many acclaimed contemporary authors are releasing historical fiction novels.
Film and TV adaptations of historical fiction are also gaining traction. [ more ]
morehistorical fiction
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